The information contained in any learning material is provided by Kumon North America, Inc. as a means of providing assistance to Instructors in training Center Assistants.
The content provided is designed to provide basic information to an Assistant in a specific role and may not be all-inclusive of the local Center’s requirements for the role. An Assistant viewing this content is required to confirm with their Instructor (employer) to confirm the conditions and requirements of the local Center.
The steps set forth should not be considered mandatory; nor are they Kumon Center policies established by Kumon North America, Inc. for best practices. Every Center has unique circumstances and requires individualized plans. All information is to be considered suggestions which Instructors may or may not choose to adapt for use at their Centers. Adoption of the suggestions is at the discretion of the Instructor. Nothing in the materials provided creates, implies, or imputes joint employment with or any obligation on Kumon North America, Inc.
Last Updated: July 2024